Stiletto and wheels Stiletto title Sole to sole Stiletto

STILETTO – a high pointed HEEL on a woman’s shoe or a small dagger.

WHEELS – a medieval instrument of torture or a vehicle for personal mobility. title
Hazard lights
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Minor health problems sorted, pills prescribed, my anaemic hair follicles and all other parts are being reinvigorated even as I sit here. Honey’s, I am SMOKIN’ or I was until a front wheel caster on my hoist broke.

Oh, gods help me, I had to call The SS (social services). If you have read any of my previous posts on this, you will know I would rather have my teeth pulled out one by one without anaesthetic – recently watched a DVD on Chet Baker and this actually happened to him - yee-ouw. Anyway, I steeled myself and called them on 23rd February 2010 and, what do you know ... same old, same old.

As I write this today, 9th April 2010, over SEVEN weeks later, the malfunctioning wheel castor has just been replaced and I feel exhausted … and totally pissed off! Surely it should be easier than this to get an essential piece of equipment replaced and repaired?

I spent hours on phone calls explaining who I was, that I had a hoist that they had given me to use, that had never been serviced, was broken and trying to get them to understand the problem - dealing with about seven different social workers until one PART-TIME occupational therapist (OT) became responsible for me and my repair. I had to suffer a visit from her and the usual thirty page form filling in – for one broken wheel castor on a bit of kit I have needed for over a decade!

I negotiated my way through two different maintenance companies, a hoist hire company, the OT and my care company who were unhappy with my back-up hoist … as were a grumpy EaZyD and me – trying, on top of it all, to cope with the physical problems of this different, inferior and inadequate hoist.  

Thank goodness, I do keep a back-up in my home – it was two days later that a replacement (the same as my back-up) could be provided by The SS. What was I meant to do in the interim? Then, the OT kept saying the back-up was dangerous to use. These people drive me insane!

Good luck
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